how slimReset works

SlimReset Clients

your gut analysis

Once we receive your hair sample we analyze to generate 3 digestive reports so we can personalize your food guide for both fat loss and stabilization phases.

Trying to lose weight with blinders on is the #1 reason people struggle and ultimately give up on their weight loss goals.

By analyzing your gut we take the gues work out of what you "should" be eating. Instead, your gut data by analysis identifies the path forward so you finally know how to achieve both weight loss and inflammation loss for improved digestion daily.


we generate 3 gut reports and a personalized food list

Once your gut analysis comes back you will have a 1:1 ZOOM call with your slimCoach who is a certified holistic nutritional consultant to review your gut data finding and discuss your food planning for program.

You are also connected daily to our coaching team via our program app so your weight data and food journaling is available a tap away for personalized support and tracking.


you'll lose your 1st pound within 24 hours

Your body is constantly converting your fat stores to caloric energy so you feel energized, satiated and experience 0.5 to 1lb of targeted fat loss a day.

You'll love waking up to daily fat loss as you stay excited, motivated and committed to your goal!


Your coach is just a tap away for support via text, email, video or phone.

The most exciting part of slimReset is getting to your weight loss goal 4 x faster than any other solution on the market. You always have the option to extend in 30-day increments.

You can decide to extend half way through your program for a further discounted enough as an "add on" option to your current journey!


You also get 30 extra days of stabilization support, also based on your gut data

Once at your goal weight, you and your coach will discuss reintroducing foods during the 30-day stabilization phase. This helps calibrate your body’s ability to maintain and stabilize long-term weight.

Don't be afraid of regaining the weight because you'll finally understand how to eat for your gut wellness and slim maintenance.

ready to get
slim again?

fat loss kicks off in 24 hours!

ready to get slim again?

when nothing else seems to work, we'll help you finally get slim again.

it's your time to get slim again.

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