our 2024 results


25 pounds in 30 days

Women see an average weight loss of 25 pounds in 30 days.


30 pounds in 30 days

Men see an average weight loss of 30 pounds in 30 days.

within the first 24-48 hours you'll see results

Once you've began the protocol your body will begin converting calories from fat stores and you'll start dropping lbs 0.5 to 1

fat loss targeted, while we protect lean muscle

The protocol and nutrition is focused on fat loss from fat stores while protecting lean muscle and your metabolism.

you'll lose 0.5 to 1 pound of fat loss daily

Jumping on the scale in the morning is exciting as you get closer to your goal i days, not months in pounds and inches.

you'll finally know what your portions are

The program is customized for you based on your GutDNA data and your BMI as we calculate calories and portions, called your SlimMetrics.

SlimReset Clients

ready to get
slim again?

fat loss kicks off in 24 hours!

ready to get slim again?

when nothing else seems to work, we'll help you finally get slim again.

it's your time to get slim again.

take our virtual tourbook a free slimChat